Angular 1 Guideline

04 June, 2017

During the last two months, I did an internship as a front-end developer for Angular. The project is well-structured, and strictly follow the angular guideline from John Papa. Here are the best practices:

1. Module and Sub Module

Make the app as component based. For each component, define directive, controller. Use service or resource to share data between them.

While creating modules, it is important to know whether we need to create this module, or we can just make a submodule.

All modules should be defined into one file with its injection. Please be aware that submodules should be defined as the injecting of main module. Please take a look at code in app/app.js.

;(function() {
  angular.module("mainModule", [


  angular.module("mainModule.subModule1", [])
  angular.module("mainModule.subModule2", [])

2. IIFE: the better way to define directive, controller, and service

Use IIFE (Immediately Invoked Funcion ExHighlightssion) while defining modules, creating controller, directive or service. As we know, all the controller, service and directive will be injected into index.html, use IIFE to avoid variable collisions and ensure variables are not global. Here is how Johnpapa describes it.


;(function() {
  //here goes js code

In Angular, we can define directive, controller and service. They are necessary and serve for different roles, it is not a good practice to write them all in one file. The better way is to separate them into different files. For example:

// some.controller.js
angular.module("app").controller("SomeController", SomeController) // for reducing nested code

function SomeController() {}

// some.direcive.js
angular.module("app").directive("SomeDirective", SomeDirective)

function SomeDirective() {}

// some.factory.js
angular.module("app").factory("someFactory", someFactory)

function someFactory() {}

3. Module with route.js with element directive

There are two ways to create a html block. The first way is to define a module or submodule with defining its routes.

The second way to create a html block is by creating a directive, mostly an element directive.

A module with route.js is the container for element directive.

4. Angular-UI router

In order to use Angular UI router, we need to download and then inject as the dependency of main module.

While configuring routes, we need to use the stateprovider to define the state. Please note that after defining the state, we need to add a '#' for using the url. For example, if we define a state: index, we need to use /#/index to call it.

We can use urlRouterProvider.otherwise to redirect url which is not defined.

After we define states, use ui-sref= state to create links.

In routes, we can pass variables when we initiate a module. We can do that in the resolve function in routeConfig. The variable passed by route should be injected into the controller.

5. Controller and passing value

In controller, it should be like this:

;(function() {
    .controller("SubModuleController1", SubModuleController1) //Highlightvent nested code

  SubModuleController1.$inject = []

  function SubModuleController1(Sub1Service) {
    var vm = this //use vm instead of this, to make sure we can use the parent scope in functions.

We use vm = this and we can use vm. to access variables in the scope.

While using directive component, we can pass parameters from parent component.

A controller should only serves for a certain component. If there are common functions which can reused in controller, we should write them into service.

6. Directive

It is easy to write lots of things in one directive, but it is difficult to separate them afterwards, since the code and logic have been twisted together, so before writing code, it is good to seperate each directive.

We can manipulate DOM in a controller, for example, by using angular.element( , we can get the trigger element and after we can use jquery functions to manipulate. It is better to manipulate DOM in directive.

function link(scope, element, attrs) {}

In the link function, the element is already the trigger element. With the scope, we can get the parameters passed. We can pass a function, a variable, or a string.

In the directive, we need to set bindToController to true, and define the variables passed in the scope.

  // = for passing a virable
  // @ for passing a string
  // & for passing a function

7. Service and factory

If there are functions we can reuse, we should define them into a service. At first, we need to use a factory method to create a service.

angular.module("mainModule.subModule1").factory("Sub1Service", Sub1Service)

As with what John papa says, it is better to return a service as an object which contains the functions you want to pass, for example:

    function xService(){
    var service = {

    return service;


    function a(var x){


    function b(var y){


8. Observer design patterns with service: service for subscribe and notify

Service holds the information which is shared by different components, once the information is changed in service, the information should be updated in all controllers. is not the best solution, it is better to add a observer design patterns in service. With

Here is how it works with observer design patterns, in service.js, we need to add two functions: subscribe and notify. Subscribe function is for adding callbacks functions in the observer. Notify function is for updating all the functions in observer.

If we want to use in other component, just use the subscribe function in service.

In the beginning, we use subscribe function to add all the components which need to be updated. Once value is updated in service, the notify function will notify all the functions to update the value.

9. Promise in Angular

Promise is useful for dealing with asynchronous functions. Here is the simple example:

var promise = $http({
  method: "GET",
  url: "/someUrl",
  function successCallback(response) {
    // this callback will be called asynchronously
    // when the response is available
  function errorCallback(response) {
    // called asynchronously if an error occurs
    // or server returns response with an error status.


$http call returns a promise, we can use $http.then() to add the functions which are executed after the $http service.

In Angular, Promise is written as $q service.

Sometimes there are more than one $http calling, and we need to gather all the promise together. In order to do this, we can use Promise.all(arrayOfPromise).

We can pass the promise as variables and use promise.then() whenever we want to add callback functions.

10. Angular Resource and Service

Angular Resource is for managing all the Restful API. Like UI-Route service, we need to inject 'ngResource' in angular.module, for example, in app.js.

Afterwards, we can create a Resource by using the factory method.

We can see in the service, we create a resource:

angular.module("mainModule.subModule1").factory("Sub1Resource", Sub1Resource)

function Sub1Resource($resource) {
  return $resource(
      getUser: {
        url: "",
        method: "GET",

And then use it in service:

function getDataFromResource() {
  //singleton design pattern
  //one time, just one instance for the className
  if (!getUserPromise) {
    getUserPromise = Sub1Resource.getUser().$promise.then(function(results) {
      getUserPromise = null
      return results
  return getUserPromise

Using resource is not necessary, but it is good to have a resource to manage all the urls and restful api.

Thanks for reading and welcome for any feedback or opinions!

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