Create HOC pattern for context

02 April, 2020

Some data should be shared throughout the whole application, for example, the site language, the device size. A common solution is to use redux and share the data in store.

In this article, I will talk with another way to share data inside application: by creating a HOC component for context withContext(Component). A HOC, is to create a component with the form of withSomething. The advantage of this solution, is to pass context data to whatever which component by using withContext(Component).

The implementation consists of three steps: Create context provider, create context hoc consumer, and finally, use it.

Context Provider

const DeviceContext = React.createContext(initialData)

const DeviceContextProvider = props => {
  return (
    <DeviceContext.Provider value={initialData}>

Initial data from context provider can come from redux (by connect), or by javascript calculation. For the second case, we can take a look at an example for detecting the current device with window.matchMedia(query).

Context Consumer HOC

const withDeviceContext = Component => {
  return props => (
      {data => <Component contextData={data} {...props} />}


First, we need to wrap the Root component with <ContextProvider/>:

function App() {
  return (
      <ComponentWithDeviceInfo />

Then, for whatever which component with the need of context data, we can use it by

const ComponentWithDeviceInfo = ({ contextData }) => <>...</>
export default withDeviceContext(ComponentWithDeviceInfo)

Please see the full example here.

Thanks for reading!

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